1, 2, 3 … Future!

Career test for high school applicants



1, 2, 3 … Future!  is a system for educational and professional orientation for students, getting ready to apply for high school.

The test outcomes can indicate the extent to which the intentions of the client are realistic and match their personal characteristics. In addition, the test reveals the most suitable area for extracurricular training and development.

Target group

Students in Grades 5-7

  • Career interests.
  • Values.
  • Prestige.
  • Motivation and study skills.
  • Strengths.
  • Educational plans.

Original publication: Hogrefe Editore, Firenze
Bulgarian publication: Hestia Foundation
Publication date: 2017

Why choose 1,2,3…Future!

The questionnaires in 1,2,3…Future! do not assess the academic material taught in school. Therefore, they can be used with students in a variety of schools, irrespective of their curriculum.

There are no time limits for any of the questionnaires, which makes them suitable for SEN, as well as mainstream students.

The test can be taken online, on any device with internet access, at a time that is convenient for the student.

The results are automatically analyzed by Examinea, which then generates a graphic interpretative report with comments and practical guidelines.

Sample report


30 BGN each
Graphic interpretative report in Examinea

See also: